Movement and the Nervous System

I would like to talk to you a little more about the Nervous system so you can appreciate how important of a role it plays in your recovery.

You see, this system is considered central command in the processing of stability and balance during movement.  Because of the dynamic and sometimes unpredictable nature of the movement, the components of the nervous system must remain flexible and adaptable to help best serve the navigation of your environment.  Balance and stability complement and cooperate with each other to execute the best movement strategy your system is capable of.

Let’s take a look at the importance of the nervous system’s feedback program first. The specific scientific name for this program is the proprioceptive system of the body or proprioception. I define proprioception as the feedback your nervous system receives from receptors embedded in your muscles, tendons, and ligaments that serve to regulate body awareness, posture, and movement.  Putting it simply, it is the system that your brain depends upon to identify your body’s position in space.

Think about this, if you were to close your eyes and raise one finger in the air and wiggle it, you should be able to take the same finger from the opposite hand and touch it. The reason you can find it with the other hand is that tiny receptors in the knuckle that you are wiggling are sending messages to your brain to inform it of your position in space.

I often explain to my patients that if you were having an MRI while wiggling your finger, you would see the part of your brain that receives this information light up. The nervous system is the master controller of Movement!!

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